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Friday, July 3, 2009

The happiest baby

The LORD has blessed Cullen and I more than we have ever deserved. This precious boy is almost always happy. At three months he is now weighing 11 lbs. 14 oz.


  1. Will is a cutie for sure! He has gotten so big! Glad I found your blog so we can keep in touch! Congrats to you and Cullen on the achievement award also!

  2. he is beautiful...even if he is a boy- miss you...we keep missing each other on game night- funkeno next week- ac

  3. He is growing so fast... Cute as ever!!! Congrats on your award... I heard ya'll were VERY excited. Miss yall!!

  4. Sarah Beth, he is the cutest thing ever! I love his smile:)

  5. Thank you all. I'm pretty proud! -like you couldn't tell =)
