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Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Four Months!

He is growing up too fast! I guess they all do. I'm trying to enjoy the last days of summer with him...I feel like I am on borrowed time! He is rolling over, talking, blowing bubbles and as you see here propping up on his arms. We are still working on sitting up but he can do a good job with some help.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

Three great years, only 57 to go!!! We used to be young and skinny. Here is a look back. The last one is from high school.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Afternoon at Pop and SuSu's house

Stealing kisses was the day's main event. Who could resist those chubby cheeks?

Friday, July 3, 2009

The happiest baby

The LORD has blessed Cullen and I more than we have ever deserved. This precious boy is almost always happy. At three months he is now weighing 11 lbs. 14 oz.

 case you haven't heard---WE WON!!

We were COMPLETELY shocked. Cullen and I both were expecting either of the other two finalist to win. If you don't know what I am talking about I will explain. Cullen and I filled out the Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award application, which is about 13 pages long. This is a Farm Bureau committee that we got involved in about two and a half years ago. We have met GREAT friends and really use the meetings as a chance to get away from O.G. Three finalist are chosen every year and we were one of the finalist for 2009. To find out the winner we traveled to the Big Easy, Will in tow. (Yes, I packed the entire house!) At the Awards program, the announcer called all of the finalist on stage to announce the winner. It felt like we were on stage for an eternity and finally they called our names. I was told I said "Oh My Goodness!" at least ten times. The pics really don't do our shock justice.

As part of the prize package we won a 2009 Dodge 2500 4x4, $1000 cash prizes, $250 Sears gift card and a trip to Seattle, WA. The trip is in January and we will compete for the American Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award. I am so excited about the trip, Cullen on the other hand doesn't want to think about the flight! =)

Baby Dedication

June 7, 2009 is the day we committed ourselves to the Christian raising of Will. Our family and church family promised to hold us accountable. Thank you all for being present on this most important day. This was one of the sweetest days of of our life.