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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Splish Splash

A picture from Will's bath that I couldn't resist sharing.

Friday, May 15, 2009


My first crawfish of the season!! I was scared to eat them while I was pregnant and still nervous since I am nursing, but these were perfect! Here are some pics of the day at Aunt Gretchen's house.

Cousin Lynn and Will

Aunt Gretchen, Marty and Savannah

Will's cousins Marty and Savannah

Will's beautiful cousin Savannah

Uncle Ryan, Aunt Rebecca and Will. Don't they look like pros!!!

Hay Season!!

Yep it is that time again. Hard to believe, but true. I got to go ride with Cullen while he baled the first hay of the season so I thought I would take a few pictures. (This was at the end of April, I'm a little late in posting.)